Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Chance in Philosophy Essay - 846 Words

Chance in Philosophy Boethius â€Å"The Consolation of Philosophy† demonstrates many thoughts and ideas that Boethius had while he was imprisoned at Ravenna. Boethius wrote of his â€Å"conversations† with lady Philosophy, who came to help cure him during his sentence. Throughout the book, she explained (or reminded) Boethius of many things such as the nature of power and the nature of fame. Many things that she explains in the beginning of the book can be summed together with the thought that God governs everything. God, though not the afterlife, is a very important theme in â€Å"The Consolation of Philosophy†. One part of this theme that I have looked at is whether God orders the world totally, or there is chance in our lives. Boethius explained,†¦show more content†¦So, because someone at some time buried the treasure, does that mean one was meant to find it? Yes, I believe that someone was meant to find it, and it is that person’s chance that led him or her to do so. However, in quot;The Consolation of Philosophyquot;, the idea is that there is no chance in Gods point of view; that God has a supreme knowledge of everything, and things do not seem to be chance to him because he may foresee their occurrence. It is implied that God created the world and the order that it stands in, and that he knows everything that will ever happen to us. So, how is it, then, that we have free will if God already knows what will happen to us? Does he choose our destiny, or do we shape it ourselves? I believe that while God may know our destinies, we do shape them ourselves. It is possible for God to know our destinies because he â€Å"knows† the future. However, the future in God’s perspective is not really the future per se, it is just a depiction of sequence of things rather than a moment of occurrence. In the book, Philosophy explains that quot;It is not necessary, they say, that what is foreseen must happen, but it is necessary that what is destined to happen must be foreseen.quot; (p. __) This may help explain the idea that even though God knows something, it does not mean that he chose it. I believe that we do have free will in our lives. We canShow MoreRelatedWilliam James on Free Will1523 Words   |  7 Pagessubsequently dabbled in works of philosophy and psychology (in which he officiated as a formal study through lectures) (Goodman, 2009). 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