Friday, January 31, 2020

Appropriate Behavior Expectations Case Study Essay Example for Free

Appropriate Behavior Expectations Case Study Essay As Christian home base daycare educators for underprivileged children ages 6 weeks to age four, it is important that we understand how each child’s development translates into our behavioral expectation in the classroom. As a Christian home base daycare center there are many things we are able to offer that a school setting does not allow; such as prayer; every morning we start the day off with prayer. Because children are so energetic after breakfast comes Zumba followed with chillax which consist of planking one minute on our mats. We then go over our rules and if’s (what happens if the rules are not followed), making sure that every child fully understand what each expectation means â€Å"Teaching rules and procedures to students at the beginning of the year and enforcing them consistently across time increases student academic achievement and task engagement† (Evertson, 1985; 1989; Evertson Emmer, 1982; Johnson, Stoner, Green, 1996). We also remind our children as well as the educator of the (ME center) which are used when someone feels the need to be alone, no-one can speak, look or talk to that person while they are in the â€Å"me center†. There is also a â€Å"TALK TO ME† center when a child has the need to be around an adult that will just listen; this center is set up with a two lounge chair one for the child and one for the educator. Last but not least, we have a reward system; each child receives a shiny star for good days and at the end of the week they get a small prize if they get stars for the whole month the get to go to the dollar store and pick out any toy they want. We have created ways to involve and communicate with the parents as well as the children by being family oriented; once a week usually on Fridays everyone comes together (parents, child and educators) bringing a dish from home and have dinner and game night. We also take that time out to talk about everyone’s progress, needs and concerns. Although I would love to provide this for everyone in the community at this time it is finically impossible there for the space is limited to twelve children. There are things that are not tolerated as well  as bulling or endangerment to another child, a child that shows this type of aggression is removed from the program and the parent is given suggestions that might better provide for that child. Our expectation begins with Behavior: Respect – treat others the way you would like to be treated. Communication – (Use Your Words) talk out your problems and/or concerns. If you are unable to do this ask a educatorfor help. Consistency- there is a time and place for everything, when we work; quietly go into your groups, during play make sure you are in the center with your picture and your timer has been set, use inside voice when inside raise our hand when we’re in groups Fun – having fun is a must These are the rules given in the beginning of the school year. However, together educators and students and make up rules together of what is expected with our behavior. (Some examples of our student rules) * Keep your hands to yourself and your feet on the ground. * No talking when others are talking * The person talking must be holding the talking bug * Be quiet during story time * The timer in centers * Always say please and thank you * Our children know that there are consequences of misbehavior, which are applying consistently and equitable; if rules are not followed we do timeout, according to age and each child understand these consequences. However, a child always is given a chance to tell their side of the story and if they have to be placed in timeout, they must be given an explanation of why they are being put into timeout with a suggestion that will help them avoid it the next time. As educators we have agreed to have at least one educator greet child and parent at door with a smile, making sure to ask the simple question â€Å"how u doin?† (Wendy Williams show† We start our class the same way and they respond the same way. Instead of telling a child â€Å"Stop†, â€Å"No†, or â€Å"Cut it out†. We use the all Eyes on me, pencils down, we get your key out of our pocket to lock the door on out mouth and then place the key  on our desk. Educators are not allowed to use cell phones, must use home base phones, and although children have nap time educators are never allowed to nap. As a group we gather advice, support, and encouragement. When it comes to academic expectations we find it beneficial in many cases to work in small groups. However, I do not necessarily work in groups according to age; when it comes to learning I tend to divide the children up according to their learning style. For example: * If a child understanding concepts better when seeing things written on the board, or if they watch me intently when I am speaking, good at remembering faces and places or can give detail input about a movie or a television show I will place them in a group I call â€Å"Visual Learner†. This child(ren) is more likely to benefit for visual aids such as flash cards, memory games, drawing, computer programs, videos and so forth. * If a child is known for talking out loud or repeating what is said when processing new concepts, reads out loud to themselves, ask a lot of questions to get understanding or ask a lot of question when doing assignments, or shows more understanding when facts or questions are being asked to them rather than them reading it themselves, will be placed in a group I call â€Å"Auditory Learners†. This group of child may benefit in a more composed and smaller setting, groups within groups, study buddies, much of their work will be taught one on one, or with tape recorders. * If a child become antsy after sitting still for too long, constantly moving, prefers to stand rather than sit, easily lose focus, and fidget when it comes to doing school work that group is call â€Å"Kinesthetic Learner†. This group of children takes frequent breaks, is given stress balls when studying written assignments and is given more hands on learning activities. (This is the group that Ron would most likely be until I am able to pinpoint his reason(s) for losing focus.) Also, recognize that sometimes children just feel the need to move around at times during the lesson, so we make the space available. However, a child’s personality is another key factor adjustments have to be made such as the organized, self-motivated child who wills more likely approach learning differently than those who is more spontaneous and less methodical. Once a child’s learning style(s) has been  recognized our educators are better equipped to help that child to adapt to the environment; which will hopefully help them learn more effectively and succeed within the class. â€Å"Critically analyze Ron’s challenging behaviors to determine contributing factors (as presented in Level A Case 1)† (Ashford 3: Week 2 Assignment) I would first take Ron aside and explain the rules and what is expected of him, I would than allow him to return to the group as we go other the rules together. Observe, Ron for at least a week to find out if his behavior is due to lack of communication in which case during play we (he and I) would act out different scenarios and find the proper solutions, if it is environmental, we would make every effort to produce comfort, trust, and security to his new surroundings, and if it is a need of attention, I would remind him of our Talk To Me center which is available at all times. If it is medical, I would advise the parents that my daycare is not programmed with the necessities needed to accommodate their child but would be willing to do everything possible to find the proper fitting place for them. As time goes by we will continue to work with Ron implementing our way of doing things a little at a time, so that he will not be overwhelmed by his new surroundings until he is comfortable and aware of all of our expectations. References: Kaiser, B. Sklar Rasminsky, J. (2012). Challenging behavior in young children. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc. Robert a. Baron and Michael J. Kaisher (2009) Introduction to Psychology (2nd ed.) Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc

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