Saturday, December 21, 2019

Education s Effects On International Business - 1151 Words

Education’s Effects on International Business Megan Wyatt Texas AM University - Commerce Education is the root of business. It teaches citizens language, skills, values, and norms. A basic education gives citizens a basic way of business. A broader education brings the ability to specialize in an industry and bring business internationally. More skilled laborers bring the ability for a country to increase their potential and economy and move outside their borders to become a part of international business. A basic education can be the foundation of a country’s economy. We have just recently understood education as a basic human right when The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was formed in 1948 by the United Nations.†¦show more content†¦Literacy rate and development of a country depend on each other. The development of a country brings more money to in the economy. Literacy enhances business through skilled employees within the country, which improves the development of the nation. â€Å"More than half of all girls in sub-Saharan Africa do not compl ete primary school, and only 17% are enrolled in secondary school. Rates in rural areas are even worse. For instance, a 1996 study in Niger found that only 12% of girls in rural areas were enrolled in primary school, compared with 83% of girls in the capital (Sperling, 2005).† The division of gender in schools restricts countries from developing. Providing an education to girls can improve per-capita income and increase productive labors (Sperling, 2005). It is beneficial for a nation to provide education to all genders in pursuit of international business. Some countries have the access to education, but lack the quality. The UNESCO measures quality education as two things: (1) the students’ cognitive development and (2) creative and emotional development (â€Å"Normative Action,† n.d.). Many children may have the access to an education and schooling, but leave without mastering basic skills (Sperling, 2005). The lack of quality from an education can be caused by a number of reasons. In lower developed countries, having a woman as a teacher can affect the outcome of a student’s

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