Saturday, August 24, 2019

Using the arguments of two of the three liberal scholars just Essay

Using the arguments of two of the three liberal scholars just mentioned (considering Keohane and Nye as one scholar), provide arguments as to why the internatio - Essay Example Moreover, violent conflict may not always arise in every situation because certain kinds of disagreements, such as those on economic issues, may preclude military action and the effects of such action would in any case, be costly and uncertain. Among the industrialized nations, with development in international relations and diplomatic initiatives, the perceived margin of safety has also widened and fears of attack have declined, hence force has become unimportant as an instrument of policy2. The use of nuclear power functions as yet another deterrent to violent conflict, since the destructiveness of nuclear weapons make their use as a threat equally as effective as the actual force of force.3 In democratic countries, the opposition to prolonged military conflicts from members of the public is also very high and thereby limits and restricts engagement in violent conflict by those countries. As also pointed out by Keohane and Nye, in a world characterized by complex interdependence, military security may not be the dominant goal of states. Each state may have a variety of other state goals to be achieved, and with variations in the distribution of power and political processes, militarily strong states are likely to find it more difficult to use their military dominance, when the use of military force is devalued for reasons such as those mentioned above. Linkage among the various issues, the strategies and defenses against them will pose a complex set of strategic choices, not all of which may be resolved through violent conflict, since the awareness of potential gains and losses and the level of interdependence between States, both economically and politically, may limit the use of force in terms of the goals it can achieve. John Mueller argues that the international system is not necessarily war prone, as revealed by the strong rivalry

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